
The ambivalent results in the registries, apart from those in implant designer institutions, coupled with the sketchy experience of orthopaedic surgeons in general, made the writing of this book a necessity to reinforce the acceptance of the Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty (UKA).
This publication is an interpretation of my understanding and experience of the mobile and fixed bearing UKA implants and will hopefully improve the readers’ knowledge of the indications, radiographic evaluation and surgical conundrums experienced during the course of their surgical interventions.
With the pragmatic approach demonstrated herein, the UKA will be a suitable alternative to the TKA in at least 50% of all knee arthroplasty. The identification and selection criterion for the UKA with the introduction of the Knee Osteoarthritis Grading System (KOGS) simplifies the process of choosing the correct arthroplasty and reduces the probable surgical complications.

My appreciation and gratitude goes out to Prof. Hemant Pandit from University of Leeds in the United Kingdom and Prof. Sebastian Magobotha from Wits University, South Africa, who assisted in reading this book.
Without their positive recommendations, this publication would not have seen the light of day.

I am also very appreciative of the contributions from Margaret Houman, my Practice Manager and my staff in private practice.

Most importantly I must thank the Oosthuizen clan; Rens my wife, Rudolf, Tania, Ruan and Chiara, who contributed over the years with moral support and candid discussions during our weekly Thursday evening gatherings.

CR Oosthuizen



“It will be an excellent addition to an arthroplasty surgeon’s library and a brilliant reference book”. 

Prof Hemant Pandit, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

“It was a great pleasure reviewing this book. It is my opinion that this is not just an excellent text book on Unicompartmental Arthroplasty but also a guide clearly setting out when to perform a partial knee replacement. It is a great asset for any knee surgeon”. 

Prof Sebastian Magobotha, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.

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